Commerce7 has acquired WineDirect's SaaS division. Learn More Right Arrow
Google Analytics dashboard in your financial reports.
There is a one-time setup fee of $200.00
$15.00 will be billed monthly
This app is built and supported by AdvoGlobal.
By Andavi Solutions
Andavi Solutions offers an integrated suite of technology solutions to provide insights, drive superior decision-making, and deliver ROI across the value chain. We merge your C7 data with data from your ERP and other systems.
By Community Benchmark
Community Benchmark optimizes winery operations through detailed sales analysis and peer comparisons. This tool highlights operational trends and benchmarks against similar businesses, enhancing strategic decisions and profitability in the wine industry.
By Treefrog Digital
Export Order from Commerce7 in a format you can upload to your accounting software. Currently, the app supports Sage Pastel Accounting.
By WineGlass Marketing
WGits for QuickBooks is software that integrates with Commerce7 to send data directly into your QuickBooks Desktop application. No more manually downloading reports and updating your QuickBooks Desktop Company File by hand.
Reports the way you want them. We can create your custom reports for a fee so you can run them inside Commerce7.